About us

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Viki Geunes

All his life, Chef Viki Geunes has been extremely interested in the culinary world. He was trained in industrial science and decided, as an autodidact, to open his restaurant ’t Zilte in Mol. Here, he received his first Michelin star in 2004. In 2008, a second star followed.

In 2009, Geunes was named Chef of the Year by Gault & Millau. After the MAS was opened in Antwerp, Chef Geunes moved his restaurant to the top floor in 2011. After changing the name and moving from Zilte to the other side of the MAS in 2020, the guide of 2021 offered a third Michelin star. With Zilte, Viki Geunes has a listing of 18.5/20 in the Gault & Millau guide.

Lady of the House

Viviane Plaquet

Viviane Plaquet, Chef Viki Geunes’ wife, is the lady of the House in Zilte. She has done this job since the opening of ’t Zilte in Mol and has been in the business for over 25 years.

Hospitality is in Viviane Plaquet’s blood and to connect with guests isn’t just her job, it’s also her passion. Day in, day out, Viviane makes sure that the guests feel at home in the restaurant. As a hostess, she is there 100% for the guests, but she also helps with serving, because for her, hospitality is a team sport.

Head Sommelier

Aaron Moeraert

As former pupil of Ter Groene Poorte and Spermalie, Aaron Moeraert (partner of Gitte Geunes) has been the Head Sommelier of Zilte for many years. His charming appearance and open mind make him both relaxed and professional.

As none other, Aaron can serve the perfect glass of wine with any dish, both according to the guest’s wishes and the way Chef Viki Geunes imagined it. He also has a great knowledge of beers and sakes and can effortlessly create wonderful pairings.

Front of House

Gitte Geunes

Gitte Geunes, the daughter of Chef Viki Geunes and Viviane Plaquet and partner of sommelier Aaron Moeraert, became part of the business one year before the third Michelin star was received. Just like her father, she is an autodidact in terms of culinary top level. Beforehand (after finishing her Event management study program), she mostly worked behind the scenes of the world-famous Tomorrowland festival.

Gitte is very happy with her switch to the world of hospitality and extremely proud to be able to work in the culinary temple that her parents built together. Gastronomical enjoyment is part of her DNA. She really loves to discover new culinary pearls from all over the world together with Aaron.


Viki Geunes

Chef Viki Geunes heeft al zijn hele leven een enorme interesse in de culinaire wereld. Hij volgde een opleiding in de industriële wetenschappen en besloot als autodidact zijn restaurant ’t Zilte te openen te Mol. Hier ontving hij in 2004 een eerste Michelinster. In 2008 volgde een tweede ster.

In 2009 werd Geunes door Gault & Millau uitgeroepen tot Chef van het Jaar. Na de opening van het MAS te Antwerpen verhuisde Chef Geunes zijn restaurant in 2011 naar de bovenste verdieping. Na de naamsverandering en verhuis van Zilte naar de andere zijde van het MAS in 2020, volgde in de gids van 2021 een derde Michelinster. Viki Geunes heeft met Zilte een vermelding van 18,5/20 in de gids van Gault & Millau.